Fine & Rare Books Maps & Prints


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Within the same title all maps are listed chronologically. Measurements are given in centimetres, height by width, excluding margins.

Arctic, Antarctic, World Maps

Antique Maps of the World, Arctic, Antarctic, Hemispheres (excl. American Hemisphere), Celestials

Exchange rate (approximately):  £ 1.00 = EUR 1.15 = US-$ 1.25

1. De L’Isle, G. / Ottens, R. & J. ‘HEMISPHERE SEPTENTRIONAL POUR VOIR PLUS DISTINCTOMENT LES TERRES ARCTIQUES’ and ‘HEMISPHERE MERIDIONAL POUR VOIR PLUS DISTINCTOMENT LES TERRES AUSTRALES’. Two separately published highly uncommon maps of the northern and southern hemisphere, projected on the arctic and antarctic poles and reaching as far as the equator. Published by Reinier & Josua Ottens from the plates designed by Guillaume de L’Isle ca. 1740 . Each map 45 x 44 cm (image size), with further added unrecorded printed text to the right of each map (not found anywhere else), in total 45 x 61 cm. Full original colour. Excellent condition.    £1,250
The antarctic map shows the routes of Magellan, Tasman, Dampie r, Halley, etc. The additional text panel on the right side of the arctic map gives an account of the voyage of Captain Spanberg in 1739. The maps wer e originally produced in 1714 and continued to be issued occasionally with appropriate additions as late as 1770. - Highly uncommon. - The Dutch Ottens firm of publishers assembled their atlases to order, the maps were often published separately like this copy.   [ 29857 ]
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3. Bowen, E. ‘A CORRECT DRAUGHT OF THE NORTH POLE AND OF ALL THE COUNTRIES HITHERTO DISCOVERED...’. Antique map of the North Pole extending to northern Canada, northern Europe and northern Asia. Eman. Bowen ca. 1748 [19992] 39 x 44 cm. Outline colour. Excellent condition. £450
H19992ArcticBowen.jpg (102103 bytes)

4. Stanford, E. ‘MAP OF THE COUNTRIES ROUND THE NORTH POLE’. Showing the names of over 100 explorers (Beechey, Nansen, Parry, Barents, Greely etc) and the land they discovered and points reached, including the probable drift of Nansen, 1896. A fascinating map. Edward Stanford ca. 1896 [25243] 49 x 62 cm. Full original colour. Excellent condition. £120
H25243ArcticStanford.jpg (100782 bytes)

5. Stanford, E. ‘THE ARCTIC REGIONS’. Antique map of the North Pole and down to 50° latitude, showing in red the stages various explorers reached, commencing with John Cabot in 1497, Sebastian Cabot in 1498, Hudson in 1609, many others through to Duc D’Abruzzi in 1900, the probable drift of Amundsen in the ‘Fram’ 1894, Erichsen 1906-1908 and Peary in 1906. Edward Stanford ca. 1906 [25791] 49 x 61 cm. Full original colour. Excellent condition. £120
H25791ArcticStanford.jpg (99564 bytes)

13. Dorn, S. (NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ON A POLAR PROJECTION) on folio title page to Homann's 'Atlas mapparum geographicarum generalium & specialium...'. Sebastian Dorn ca. 1730 [7262] 10 x 14 cm. North America with California as an island. Uncoloured. Excellent condition. £100
H07262NHemisphereHomannAtlas.jpg (67593 bytes)

14. Rhode, I. C. ‘TABULA GEOGRAPHICA HEMISPHAERII BOREALIS...’ Arctic hemisphere, showing large Bay of the West. I. C. Rhode for the Acad. Reg. Scient. et Eleg. Litt. Boruss. (Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences) ca. 1753 [17591] 31 cm diameter. Full hand colour. Excellent condition. This map was included in Leonhard Euler’s atlas. Uncommon. £260
H17591PolarEuler.jpg (109039 bytes)
15. Merian, Matthaeus. 'NOVA TOTIUS TERRARUM ORBIS GEOGRAPHICA AC HYDROGRAPHICA TABULA / WAHRE BILDTNÜSS DES GANTZEN ERDEN KRAYSES MIT ALLEN SEINEN THEILEN'. Map of the world on Mercator’s projection with two small inset polar spheres. Engraved by Merian and published by Johann Ludwig Gottfried in Frankfurt 1638 [31073] 26 x 36 cm. Full recent colour. Excellent condition. £1250
Shirley 345.
H31073WorldMerianCol.JPG (244091 bytes) 

16. Danckwerth, C. and J. Meyer. ‘ORBIS VETUS CUM ORIGINE MAGNARUM IN EO GENTIUM A FILIIS ET NEPOTIBUS NOE’. Classical representation of the Eastern Hemisphere, naming the continents of Japheth, Schem and Cham. Border of cherubs, fruits, garlands, and garden scenes. Two cartouches in lower corners listing the descendants of Noah. Christian Rothgiesser for Caspar Danckwerth and Johann Meyer’s ‘Newe Landesbeschreibung...’ of 1651 [19910] 43 x 53 cm. Shirley 388 (= “Scarce”). Full recent colour. £900
H19910WorldDanckwerth.jpg (243272 bytes)

17. Merian, M. ‘TYPUS ORBIS TERRARUM’. Double hemisphere world map, showing a large Terra Australis Incognita and California as an island. Symbols representing sun, moon and the four elements in corners and spandrels. Matthaeus Merian 1674 [23842] 17 x 25 cm. Full hand colour. Excellent condition. £650
Uncommon. Shirley 356(A).
H23842WorldMerian.jpg (102283 bytes)

24. Sanson, N. ‘SPHERE ARMILLAIRE - HARMONIE OU CORRESPONDANCE DU GLOBE AVECQ LA SPHERE...’. Double hemisphere world map with six small circular diagrams and windrose, emphasizing the grid of parallels and meridians and other circles, and the climatic zones. California is shown as an island, the continents without political borders or place names. Engraved by Jean Somer Pruthenus and published by Nicolas Sanson 1705 [22814] 42 x 55 cm. Full original colour. Excellent condition. £350
Unusual map of the world's climatic zones. As opposed to earlier versions, the Antarctic is now indicated in outline on both hemispheres, Alaska introduced, and Australia shown in a more realistic shape.
H22814WorldSanson.jpg (103660 bytes)

36. Bellin, N. 'CARTE REDUITE DU GLOBE TERRESTRE'. World on Mercator's projection. Nicolas Bellin ca. 1764 [14515] 22 x 35 cm. Coloured copper engraving. £240
H14515WorldBellin.jpg (140286 bytes)


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